The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in India issued Protocols for Online Continuous Effluent & Emission Monitoring Systems (OCEMS) in March 2018.
The requirements call for specific data to be reported online to the CPCB via a cloud data exchange, including the effluent and emissions numerical values, monitoring devices’ diagnostic information, data about modifications carried out in the previous quarter of operation, and detailed downtime information such as date and time stamps.
Older, previously installed monitoring systems that do not have the capability to transmit the required data will have to be retrofitted, equipped with third-party solutions to collect and transmit the data, or replaced with newer systems that can collect and transmit the required data to the CPCB with yet to be determined communication protocol standards.
In either event, intermediary gateways will be needed to compile and transfer comprehensive reports to the CPCB. Industry and equipment manufacturers are diligently working on a common platform to establish a protocol and communication standard capable of meeting the requirements.
Easy implementation and data transparency, along with addressing security concerns across wider accessible networks is a major focus.
Ohio Lumex is working closely with the CPCB and industry participants on the development and implementation of these new standards, and we will continue to keep you up to date on the progress. Our new line of MEGA™ Multi-Component Continuous Emissions Monitors feature the most up to date technology and will be fully compatible with the India requirements.